Words Whispered in My Ear
She is the second oldest of ten children born to Lesterine and Charles McFarlin. She was born and raised in a small country community called Gold Lake until they moved into the city of Conway, where she still resides and loves to spend her time playing with her grandchildren and great-grandchild.She worked as a certified nursing assistant, a job she truly loved and truly misses, but because of injury, she can't do it anymore. She is the mother of four children and is most commonly known as Moma Nessa.She is also a grandmother to eleven grandchildren and one great-grand. Vanessa has written for most of her life starting at the age of eighteen. She started this journey as a way to cope with ongoing things in her everyday life. She walked on a thin line between right and wrong for many years. That was until the day Jesus Christ walked in and changed her life for the better.Vanessa would like to give thanks to her mother, Lesterine; her children, Roberto, Cassandra, Linda, and Victor; her sister, Tina (my girl); and her friend, Beverly, for always listening to her, and Vera Clay and Bettye Robuck, who always reminded her that they loved to read her words.And last but not least, she would like to thank her publisher family, Christian Faith Publishing, for giving the time and believing in her to help pursue her dreams. She would like to thank every one of you from the bottom of her heart.
-- Vanessa McFarlin