When the COLORS Go away
I have always been fond of observing human behavior, which is why I pursued psychology. Nowadays, we readily see people totally immersed in the screens of their cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices. I am intrigued by as well as deeply concerned about how this will affect humanity in the future. Unfortunately, we do not have to wait for the future until we see the toll it has taken on our children. For instance, we often hear stories of children addicted to playing cell phone games or fighting with their parents for not allowing them to do so, or at worst, addicted to watching porn online.This book is inspired by a true story where you can notice the terrible impact of the indiscriminate use of screens by children without responsible parental supervision. I wrote this book as a wake-up call for society to open its eyes to see how our children are growing up hypnotized by screens, losing their innocence and joy of indulging themselves in simple childhood games and missing the opportunities to learn how to understand others' feelings and necessities, owing to the fact that they are being deprived of the off-screen environment, the reality. Along with reaching parents' hearts, it is crucial to get children's attention to this subject. They have a huge capacity to understand human issues in a playful way and resolve them ingeniously, and I believe this story which comes straight from my heart can touch the hearts of millions of children who, in their hands, hold our future.-- Debora Cecilia Empk Florenziano