When Life Ends
In your hands, you hold a book that will give you an insight into the spirit world, and will tell you what happens to the mortal at time of death. As mortals, we fail to understand how short life is, because an 80-year life only equates to two hours of God's time, as per Psalm 90:4, and 2Peter 3:8. It is only when we reach the spirit world that our real life will begin.
The purpose of this book is to introduce you to the spirit world, by using excerpts from spiritual messages received by a Celestial Medium, a Mr. James E. Padgett in Washington D.C., starting in 1914. Mr. Padgett had a special gift of automatic writing, the ability to receive messages from spirits transmitted through his brain and hand. During the last ten years of his life he received some 2,500 messages, and I have read over 500.
What makes these messages so special, they come from spirits living in the spirit world, and tell you how it is structured, and about God's great gift of Divine Love - the love from his soul to yours. This was a gift first given to our parents in the Garden of Eden, but was rejected. Jesus brought this gift back to man giving man the ability to be saved, because it removes sin.
I only ask that you open your mind, explore this book, and read the excerpts analyzing each by using common sense.
-- Brother Bob