What The Spirit is Saying to the Church
What the Spirit is Saying to the Church is an apocalyptic view from the letters to the seven churches in the book of Revelation that begins its message to the church admonishing her to return to her first love which she has abandoned. The author contends that this first love requirement demands a redirection of priorities for the Twenty-First-Century Church-in-the-Black-Experience. It demonstrates how, for the love of Christ, she must move beyond a limited vision of just a good-looking church and satisfaction with old definitions. Christ gives a rebuke to the church and a direct warning that if she does not repent and return to her first love, he will then remove her lampstand!
"Reverend Kelley's preaching is spiritually sound and intellectually stimulating and challenging, and also socially relevant. He deeply believes in what I would call a well-rounded ministry. That is to say, that ministry for him involves not only mastering the preached Word, but also taking seriously and fulfilling the roles of pastor, priest, and prophet."-REV. DR. LEWIS V. BALDWIN, PHD, RETIRED PROFESSOR OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES, VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY.
"Reverend Kelley is a preacher of the Word. His ability to prepare and deliver biblically sound, inspirational and spirit-filled sermons is a gift that allows those who hear him to participate in the story of salvation at personal and social levels. He is not a closed-lip babbler who preaches to itching ears, rather he speaks with power and authority under the watchcare of an humble spirit and a disciplined mind."-REV. DR. WALTER EARL FLUKER, PHD, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. PROFESSOR OF ETHICAL LEADERSHIP, AND DIRECTOR OF THE HOWARD THURMAN INSTITUTE, BOSTON UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY.
-- Reverend Anthony Kelley