What It's Like to Walk With The Holy Spirit
Norman Weber was born and raised in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. He is a CPA and has spent twenty years as a VP of finance for a twenty-million-dollar company and twenty-two years in public accounting and consulting. He became Spirit filled in 1973, and at a Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship (FGBMF) convention in Detroit, Michigan, he began to understand how to hear the voice of the Lord and perfected this in the next few years. He was a national director in Canada for FGBMF for nine years and served as the national treasurer during this time. He retired from public accounting in 1999 and moved to the rural area outside Owen Sound, Ontario, and runs an organic farm, including 2,800 organic apple trees and vegetables. He has spoken throughout Canada and in the United States and Australia. He moves in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. God moved his heart to write this book containing one hundred spirit-filled testimonies on what God has worked supernaturally through him. In 2014, the Holy Spirit took Norman to the third heaven and showed him the body parts warehouse. In 2016, God instructed him to increase his Holy Spirit ministry by praying for new body parts, and the last chapter shares how twenty-three people received new body parts in 2016.
This book demonstrates how Christians today can minster under the leading of the Holy Spirit in healings, miracles, deliverances, financial prosperity, and how to follow God in everyday activities.
-- Norman Weber