Victory in the Valley
Victory in the Valley is an inspiring testament of the redemptive power of God and a reflection of the unwavering faith Pastor Domeka Kelley possessed in the power of God and His ability to sustain him through every affliction. This book is a window into the life and journey of Domeka as he experiences pitfalls and setbacks, leading him into the darkest period of his life, which he refers to as his "Valley Experience." A valley is defined as a low place or area situated between mountains or hills, and in scripture, valleys are symbolic for difficulties and hardships, while mountains are symbolic for elevation or high place.
In this book, Domeka understands although he is in the valley at his lowest, he's simply in between mountains, which is his high place. Equipped with the Word of God and the support of his wife Jessica and children Bryan, Nakia, Malik, and Leyah; Domeka faces every challenge with a smile bigger than his problems, knowing God brought him to it only to bring him through it. This book is relevant to all teaching biblical principles and presenting practical truths while answering two of the most difficult but common questions while in the midst of storms, trials, valleys or simply the fight of your life: How did I get here, and when is it going to be over?
"When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on".
Franklin D Roosevelt
-- Domeka Kelley