The Sylvia Riddle
The Sylvia Riddle is an epic poem set in medieval Scotland. The story maintains a Christian theme throughout as good battles evil.
As the story develops, a hero emerges. He learns that the beautiful Princess Sylvia MacBee has been hexed by an evil wizard (Satan). The hex requires that Sylvia cannot marry unless her suitor successfully answers a riddle. An incorrect answer to the riddle has a fatal consequence. Eighty men have died attempting to answer the riddle, and there are no more suitors in Realm MacBee willing to risk death.
As the story unfolds, the hero, Knight Jude MacPhitt also learns that not only must he answer the marital riddle to save Sylvia from marrying Grooson, Satan's horrific son, but he must answer an additional riddle for each of the seven deadly sins.
His woeful journey takes him to the depths of Hell.
The Sylvia Riddle is filled with challenges, excitement, and love while dealing with many moral conundrums.
-- Robert Coombs