The Story Of Job
Perhaps the most frequently asked question since time began is "Why do bad things happen to good people?" Or "How can a loving and merciful God allow such atrocities to happen to faithful God-fearing people?" These are the questions I have been asking for as far back as I can remember. Therefore, I've written this short book. I've tried to address these questions and seek some answers from the point of view of the one you can never go wrong with the most high while still trying to make it entertaining and enjoyable. While I hope the book has what most people enjoy when they read a book or go to a movie--action, suspense, and entertainment--I've included a lot of dialogue Job shared between him and his friends and especially between him and God because this is what's at the heart of the story. In fact, many Bible scholars, as well as priests and ministers I've talked with and listened to believe the story of Job never actually happened but was written only to get the point across that bad things, indeed, happen to good people (read what Jesus says in Luke 13:4-5 about the collapse of the tower of Siloam). But if we persevere and put everything in God's hands, we'll truly have reason to rejoice (read Matthew's Sermon on the Mount). This is what I am trying to tell the reader here. None of us truly knows the answers to these questions. Only God does. So, to all who read this book, I hope you'll enjoy it, and whatever problems you are coping with--perhaps a crisis of faith or what have you--just remember with God, all things are possible. May his will be done.
-- James Yeager