The Stoplight: How God's Is Operating in Your Life and Stoplight Prayers
"I just don't have time to pray" or "When do you think I have time to pray? With a husband, three kids, a dog, and a job, when do you think I have the time?" Other times, I hear, "I don't know how to pray" or "I don't know what to say" or "What's the proper way to pray?" These are comments that I hear on a regular basis, in addition to "Pray for me. God seems to hear you."
This book is actually two books in one. The Stoplight: How God's is Operating in Your Life gives you insight, using the stoplight (traffic light) as a guide, on how God has been working in your life all your life, even though you didn't realize it. There will be times while you are reading this book that you may see a situation that you could have written yourself or written about someone you know. You will see how He has lifted us up, carried us, let us make our mistakes, and then help us correct them. It also shows you how others in the Bible had flaws just like we do. Most painfully, it shows the sacrifice that God made for us by giving up His Son, our brother, so that we may have eternal life.
Stoplight prayers will show you when you have time to pray, how to pray, and what to say when you pray. You will be amazed at how many opportunities you will have to pray during your busy day. Little tips and insights will enhance your prayer life and lead you on a journey of establishing a better relationship with God.
Trust me, you will never be able to look at a stoplight the same way again!
-- Lesa A. McClain