The Solution Is Easy and Free
This book is an effort to remind believers in God and unbelievers as well that, having created us, God provided everything we should know about how to live in peace without conflicts and hatred and problems that we have around us. He tells us that he is love and that we are to be like him. If you know the teachings of Jesus, you know that he says every command of his hangs on two primary commands: Love the Lord with all that you are and with all that you have, and love your neighbor (he teaches that that includes every human) as you love yourself. It seems self-evident that if we all followed his commands, they would address and correct every kind of problem we have. When you love, you cannot lie, steal, cheat, abuse, kill, bear false witness, slander, hate, gossip, or get embroiled in heated arguments or make up accusations against others. These are the things that are tearing our country apart, and we do not have to be at their mercy. We can do what God tells us to do. For those who truly want the world to change for the better, you can do your part by making your life conform to Christ. Every person who changes counts in the effort to achieve a better world.
-- Julie Marsh