The Science of Living (The Bless Life)
The Science of Living: The Blessed Life is an introduction to self-image psychology. It reveals the truth of who we are in God and who God is in us. The science of living teaches the presence of God, the power of God, and the wisdom of God. The science of living is the science of thought--how scientific and technical your thinking process becomes--because words become power. We are informed that life and death are in the power of the tongue. The science of living teaches that through the presence of God within, we already have the power of God within us to change our conditions and give us a better life. The science of living evokes the principles of mind science; the law of mind. The law of mind works in all areas of your life: health, happiness, love, success, prosperity, and money. Yes, money--one of the wise kings, Solomon, said money is the answer for everything. The greatest book of mind science ever written is the Bible; the Bible is about your mind. The science of living moves us from religion to reality. Therefore, take a journey into your divinity.
-- Dr. L. D. Williams