The Power to Overcome Depression
For a long time, it was thought that the deplorable state of living in some parts of the world should induce serious depression. While the heavy weight of the failure of governments in the developing world to care for their citizens can be very distressing to the citizens, yet research has shown that depression occurs far more in places where the citizens seem to have everything. Statistics from the United States alone have it that thousands of people die daily because of depression. The National Health Institute indicates that over eighteen million adults in the United States suffer from depression. This is equivalent to 9.5 percent of this country's population.
Depression is a major emotional problem. Somehow, the people who live in the challenging environments do not expect better from their governments and have developed a resistance to the troubles and would not allow the situation to overwhelm them. More importantly, the communal lifestyle in those environments make the burden lighter when borne by those who care for one another. On the contrary, those in the developed nations, who are used to some level of comfort and pleasure, trip their fuse on the slightest inconvenience because of the lifestyle of solitude.
-- Apostle Samuel Fatoki