The Other Side Of Heaven
What The Other Side of Heaven is about:This story is a true testament to how my Lord and Savior guided me through the darkest parts of my childhood abuse and the long process of breaking free from the bonding chains of unforgiveness. I can't thank him enough for placing the people in my life who encouraged me to persevere and have that fighting spirit to keep pressing forward. There were many times I wanted to give up.God provided me with the chance to see one of them again, on the other side of heaven. This, in turn, gave me the opportunity to find my purpose in life and what God's calling was for me.With God's guidance in writing this book, my ultimate hope is to be a beacon of light to others who struggle with the same mental health challenges. I want them to know that no matter how trivial our struggles are or how bleak we feel life is, we don't have to walk in the darkness alone. God will always be that light to see us through to the other side. We just have to believe in him and through him. Suppose you find yourself facing any opposition in your life. My hope for you is to take that leap of faith to trust that God will see you through it.1
-- Abigail Jenson