The Grand Reunion
The catastrophe which was The Great War forever altered the lives of everyone who was a part of the World War I generation. A century later, the members of the World War I generation, having passed from their earthly existence, are joyously welcomed to their eternal reward in the House of the Lord. Now, the gates of heaven are opened as The Grand Reunion begins in all of its grandeur and glory.
These are their stories from the repulsiveness of the trenches and No Man's Land to the majestic dining halls of heaven, from the charnel slaughter of the Somme, Verdun, the Argonne Forest, and Vimy Ridge to the paradise of The Garden of Eternal Friendship and Lake Saint John the Baptist. During the war their paths crossed as adversaries, now they enter into heaven as members of God's family.
Mourn with them, laugh with them, and celebrate with them as you read the stories of The Grand Reunion.
-- M. A. Kaye