The Gifted Church
What if we’re missing something?
The New Testament describes a vibrant church—empowered by the Holy Spirit with supernatural gifts of manifestation, service, and leadership—which turned the known world upside down within three generations. But as the freedom of the operation of the Holy Spirit waned and post-apostolic leaders consolidated power within hierarchical systems, that missional momentum was truncated.
In this pivotal work, Dr. Jackson brings an Apostolic hermeneutic to the scriptures (and mountain of classical and contemporary sources) to demonstrate that this historical declension from scriptural truths began its long reversal with the Reformation, culminating in the worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the early 20th century. The restorationist impulse of the pioneers of modern Pentecostalism caused them to embrace previously neglected manifestation gifts (charismata), but did not substantially alter their ecclesiology, as they failed to fully actualize the edification gifts (domata).
Dr. Jackson details the function and characteristics of each edification gift, or speaking leadership role, within a scriptural framework of an apostolic team. He warns against excesses and abuses of power, and reminds each disciple-maker that the character of the Giver, not the characteristics of the gift, is the true determinant of our ability to serve faithfully.
This book will challenge the pastor-theologian to rethink church leadership and to reengage the whole church in the kingdom expansion that characterized early Christianity. It will provide enrichment and clarity regarding the roles of those who portray and embody various types of edification-leadership gifts. The result will be a church whose missional impulse is not outsourced to designees but internalized within each member of a Body that is equipped for service within local and global contexts.
-- W. Clay Jackson, MD, DipTh