The End of Time
There is an alarming amount of misinformation concerning the most climactic event in all of human history-the imminent return of Jesus Christ to the earth. As Christians become more and more biblically illiterate with each passing generation, they are particularly susceptible to false teaching concerning the second coming of Christ, and yes, it does matter what you believe!
Speaking of false teachers, the apostle Peter wrote, "They will secretly introduce destructive heresies...Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up" (2 Peter 2:1b-3a).
In just the past one hundred years, many American Christians have been falsely led to believe they will be "raptured out," removed by Jesus Christ from this world before his Second Coming or serious tribulation occurs. This flies in the face of the fact that Christians are already enduring torture and are being martyred on a grand scale in many other countries, particularly by radical Muslims.
This book, The End of Time, takes an in-depth look into the truths found within the Bible concerning the End Times-truths that have been obviously distorted. Lucifer began distorting the words of God in the Garden of Eden. An unprepared mankind was deceived, and Paradise was lost. The very same Tempter continues to distort the truth concerning the return of Jesus Christ within the walls of the church to this day! Once again, millions of unprepared Christians will be caught off-guard by the manner of the Lord's return in the same way the nation of Israel was taken by surprise at his first arrival in Bethlehem.
A rapture and vindication of faithful believers will indeed occur, but will coincide with Christ's return to earth, as the Scriptures clearly indicate. The Lord will then judge this fallen world, reward the faithful, and paradise will be restored. Comparing Scripture with Scripture, the Old Testament with the New Testament, the truths we need to understand concerning the approaching end of time as we know it can be grasped.
-- Dr. Rick McGee