The Bible's Answer to Addiction
I have written this book because of the sorrows that addiction has brought upon every community in the United States of America. At the church that I attend, the pastor once asked the congregation how many people had been affected by addiction. Everyone there raised their hands. Behind every addict are loved ones: mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, husbands, and wives. They all have families. Addiction doesn't happen in a bubble. The lives of many others are also touched by the addict. The passing of the addict also brings great sorrow to many. Not just because of the death of a loved one, but also because of the potential of that person having been lost because of addiction.
My hope with the writing of this book is that the addicts would "wake up." In some way, they would be shaken out of this stupor and realize their purpose and plan God has called them to in this life. And by living their life to the glory of God, they might bring others with them along the way through the principles laid down in this book.
I have also felt the need to bring the message of redemption and recovery found in our Lord Jesus Christ to those who are in desperate need of hearing it the most. The Lord Jesus Christ can change and transform lives, even yours.
If America is ever going to be delivered from the plague of Addiction, then America is going to have to return to the God and Savior that made America a great and prosperous nation to begin with.
May God bless you and the reading of this book.
-- Allen B. Lentini