One of the gifts of Survive is its pace, reminiscent of the altered rhythm of our lives during the pandemic. The frenetic chase for more and faster was temporarily arrested, and we slowed down globally. It forced us home--not only geographically but internally to ourselves--and if we didn't simply adjust our addictions, we grew through the pain that inevitably touched every life in some way during COVID.We savoured connections and conversations. We remembered the gift of physical touch and the uplifting power of an unmasked smile. We languished together, joined as one, all of humanity, endeavouring to survive our equivalent of the Great War or WWII.This story is about four ordinary South African women who, like you, survived those crazy days and months that dared become years. Hedy, Melody, Bethany, and Mercia forged unlikely friendships that helped them recognise and respond to the invitations of Jesus in that season.It turned out there was priceless treasure embedded in the trash--there almost always is.
-- Vivienne Heath