Strength in Waiting
Strength in Waiting enlightens the reader to God's love and His constant nearness during life's difficult times by staying in a close relationship with God and reading His word daily. The author gives us personal excepts on how to incorporate scripture in difficult times to press onward and fulfill God's destiny for your life. In addition, there are numerous Biblical references to help guide those going through trials right now. Sit quietly in His presence and make your mind like a still pool of water. Rest in His sufficiency as you consider the daily challenges and do not wear yourself out by worrying over things you have no control over. Keep looking toward the father and stay in constant communication with Him to allow Him to walk beside you this and every day. Today is a new day, your new day, start over from whatever held you back yesterday. It is not too late, God has never left you. He is waiting now for you to make the first move. He loves you so much!
-- Robbin Stasny