Soul to the Highest Bidder
Jesus asked, "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?"
A woman who searched daily for God's favor faced a moral dilemma that put her at odds with God. She must make a choice. Do what she believes pleases God or go down a path leading to satisfaction and prestige. What would you do?
Colonel Katie Green managed the development of nuclear weapons, but opposed using nukes unless provoked by a US enemy. Her missile launcher unexpectedly developed safety issues and jeopardized her Top Secret clearance. If she doesn't fix her launcher, she will never become a general officer. But if she does, is she willing to strike first?
Psalm 19:7 tells us, "The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple."
Praise for Soul to the Highest Bidder
Kathy Davis’s Soul to the Highest Bidder is an awe-inspiring journey of faith that delves deep into Scripture. As readers, we can follow Colonel Katie Green’s story and be moved by her courageous act of openly professing her Christian belief despite its controversial nature in a military context, guided solely by God’s grace as she rose through the ranks without compromising on expectations or succumbing to pressures from nuclear proliferation. Truly, this book will touch hearts far and wide with its profound message—one every soul should strive toward!
—Rev. Herbert A. Brisbon III, University Chaplain, Office of the President, Dillard University
-- Kathy Davis