What's your distance to God?
• Does the daily grind and distractions in your world have you on a floating raft drifting too far from the shore without you even realizing it?
• Perhaps you have found yourself in a spiritual desert, knowing that you are miles and miles away and needing a compass in order to find fertile ground.
• Or maybe you're a maturing disciple who is looking to maintain that spiritual edge in your life.
For centuries, mankind has been on a quest to draw closer to God, trying every kind of means and method available to move toward him. Proximity turns our attention to the practical applications we all experience on a daily and hourly basis, when the struggle is real and where the disconnect often occurs. God pursues us, yet he is the constant, the one who remains stationary. It is up to us to cover this distance and fully experience the love, peace, and comfort God provides when we are right by his side.
Are you ready to move in closer proximity to him?
-- Rick Spelce