I am not a seminary graduate, an ordained minister, or a theologian. My credentials are being a man standing in the need of God's presence and wisdom in my daily life. God has proven to me that He knows the best way to speak His wisdom to me and He knows you well enough to speak to you in a way you can understand. Take this journey with me and let the wisdom of God come alive in your daily life. What He offers you is exceedingly abundant above anything you could imagine.
"As a pastor, I have personally tried to read a chapter from proverbs every day and have encouraged others to do so. Glen Bryant's Proverbs takes just reading several steps forward with better understanding, and personal application. What a great tool for new or long time Christians to get in a habit of daily scripture study about how to live a Godly life."
Terry Jemes, retired Pastor
Grace Baptist, Bend, Oregon
"A Man's Journey thru Proverbs is a delightful devotion. We have adopted it for our men's Bible study group. You can study weekly for months without repeating, but now the author has added new collections that can keep a small group going indefinitely. I highly recommend it for churches who want to see their men unified. I recommend it for the man who wants to see himself challenged and changed for the glory of God. It also makes a great gift for wives to give to their husbands."
Dr. Rick Fouts, D.D.
Pastor: Open Arms Fellowship
Salem, Illinois
Frequent Panel Member and Moderator of "Ask the Pastor"
-- Glen Bryant