Practicing Tranquility
I really am the luckiest guy in the world because I married Ruth. Because of her, I had a wonderful life and a second career. After practicing law--particularly banking law, which I recommend for its methodical ways and methodical hours--I began teaching in college, which I really enjoyed.
After Ruth died, I didn't know how to get back into the social world; by then, my health had declined to the point that I was a serious stroke risk and something of a walking heart attack. As part of psychotherapy, I was able to sob profusely and articulate a response to the question "What would you like to do before you die?" So now I'm alive and well, able to reflect upon my life with gratitude, and offer this memoir for you to read.
Half of all proceeds from the sale of this book go to The Family Tree Information, Education & Counseling Center, a nonprofit social services agency in Lafayette, Louisiana.
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-- Brandon Jordan