Our Walk

This book was written with the hope that whoever reads it will be inspired to strengthen their walk of faith even more than they already have. If by chance there is someone who has read this book and has not chosen to walk with Jesus, it might encourage them to do so. The Bible was written for us as a guideline to live by. When we face the topics I have chosen, there is scripture to tell us how we should react to whatever we are facing. So many times, we face things in our lives, and we try to take care of them ourselves when we should turn to God. Scripture tells us that God loves us and that He wants what is best for us. Scripture also gives us instructions on what to do in whatever situation we may face. The stronger our faith, the more desire we have to please God and to learn from His word. Sometimes our walk isn't easy. Sometimes we become stubborn, and we do not want God's advice. When that happens, we distance ourselves from God. The purpose of this book is not to distance us from God, but to bring us closer to Him. The closer we are to Him, the more joy we are going to have in our lives. The more joy we have, the more productive we can be. Of course, our productive activities should be to honor and glorify God. He loved us enough to send His son Jesus to save us. The least we can do is love Him back and try to walk as close to Him as we can.

--Jan Brooks

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