Oranges for Oysters
An anthropological scientific study of ancient Zoroastrian Judaism, Christianity, and Islam of Semitic and nomadic Iran--with general East Asian Hindu and Buddhist philosophical, social, and religious reference to the newer Catholic order of chivalry of the Knights Templar, including genealogical cultural Mystery Cryptology of The Holy Grail --transcripted angelic or alien sightings and encounters, which become regular family traditions as heritage across the Pan-White, even Pan-European White Caucasian diaspora, which provide an account of biblical romantic mysticism into a yet-silenced feminist perspective on namesake and property wars, ritualistic rape, and prearranged--marriage, royalty, mimicry of Shakespearean romance drama theatre and Charles Robert Darwin's naturalist theory, "Survival of the fittest," poetry of the paranormal, alternate personal reality. Great for royal weddings!
-- Lynn Persepolis