New Reality
"I have come that they may have life, and that they many have it more abundantly." -John 10:10 (NKJV)
Jesus promises a rich, satisfying life of significance and purpose, yet worry, doubt, and fear seem to be stealing this great benefit. Anxiety and depression occupy the space designed for peace and joy in our heart. Join Lisa Young as she shares biblical in-sights through her own spiritual journey from ordinary to extraordinary by the trans-forming power of the Holy Spirit.
In this book, you will be encouraged to
• allow your difficulties to purify your beliefs in order to walk victoriously
• consider your own identity and purpose in Christ
• gain perspective by learning to recognize and believe God's voice
• experience freedom by throwing out Satan's lies
• realize the "secret" of abundant life despite your circumstances
Includes chapter questions for personal reflection and group discussion.
Lisa Young is an ordinary wife and mother experiencing an extraordinary life in Christ. Encouraging others in their own dynamic relationship with a personal God is her pas-sion and calling. She is an author and teacher and serves at Rivers Crossing Commu-nity Church in Mason, OH. Connect with her at
-- Lisa Young