My Real Dad
God seems to be "out there somewhere," a distant and a most powerful presence that we need to respect and most time fear. I want you to know that we don't need to be afraid or hide anymore. I want to challenge you to come out of the shadows, and get personal with an almighty God. In this book I want to make an introduction of who He is, what He has done for you, and what He wants to do for you. We have a life journey but God also had a journey through time to fulfill His desire for a family of His own. Jesus came to introduce God to us as father and make a way whereby we can become one of His children. God and Jesus had an intimate father/son relationship and it is available for anyone who wants to be part of this family. He will welcome you with open arms to join the family no matter how you have spent your life. You can enjoy this loving relationship and be forever His.
-- Gail Olson