My Journey Of Grace
Her journey of grace is about God's redemptive power of her deliverance from the kingdom in darkness into his marvelous light and her process of surrendering to his sovereign will and learning how to walk by faith on the battleground. She is in the making of something precious in his eyes as the Lord unwraps his gifts, talents, and abilities concealed within her before the foundation of the world. During her training in the wilderness, she discovers God's faithfulness and walks in his supernatural power.
After her encounter with the Lord being transported into the heavens to have a meeting with God, the memory is forever imprinted within the very depth of her heart. Although she is bound by drugs, it leaves an everlasting impression of Jesus's love for humanity. Progressively, her deliverance springs forward but not as quickly as she wants. Only when she wholeheartedly surrenders to God, he suddenly and supernaturally moves on her behalf.
She is enrolled in God's university of training for a lifestyle of obedience and self-crucifixion. Her faith is on trial as she undergoes a series of tests and deliverance in the midst of her fiery furnace, such as near-death experience, spirit of infirmity, daughter's brush with death, and spiritual war with witches. She seeks Jesus daily in prayer in order to be sustained by his amazing grace in spiritual warfare and learns that she has authority and power in the name of Jesus.
Through it all, the ministry of prayer and intercession is birthed out of her pain and a revelation of the omnipotent God's triumph against the power of darkness as she worships him through her valley of despair and her wilderness of temptation. The Holy Spirit, her senior companion, teaches her how to soar over the winds of adversity.
-- Michele L. Britton