Moon Shadow
If you've ever wondered what it was like to slip into a cult and find your way out, this is that story. Here you are taken on a firsthand stream-of-consciousness journey so you can experience what it was like for Thane Mathis to be inside the Unification Church for three years. Then the story continues about what it was like to leave and move on. It is also a story about how the spirit of Jesus manifested at critical times to guide the author to safety and give him the clarity of vision and strength to go on. The author shares intimate details about his relationship with each of his parents and psychological insight into how that set him up for cult life. He also explains the doctrine of Reverend Sun Myung Moon, leader of the Unification Church, comparing that doctrine to the teachings of Jesus. Finally, the author tells what happened to each of the key players in this story and offers his closing thoughts on the lessons he learned from all of this so that you can gain this wisdom.
-- Thane Rahausen Mathis