Mom, God's Got This: Jamie's Story
My thirteen-year-old daughter walked into the living room and sat down beside me on the sofa. She was crying. "Momma, I think God has called me to preach. I had a dream and I saw a sea of people with black hair. There were so many people crowded together, and they don't know who Jesus is."
I invite you to step into the very private heart of a mother and her daughter. This is Jamie's story - a story of courage and obedience, faith and doubt, heartbreak and disappointment, inner struggles and victories. A young East Texas girl who followed God's call to the other side of the world, Jamie loved the lost and those who have never heard the good news of Jesus Christ.
Then why did she have to die?
Through it all I have learned His grace is always sufficient and He is faithful to His Word. While in our home the last ten weeks of her life, we walked with her through that valley of the shadow of death. It was the most difficult and, at the same time, the most blessed time, for we saw God transition her from this life into everlasting life with Him. What a precious hope we have in Jesus! Not only that; the Lord has also walked with me through this grief journey, transforming my sorrow into joy.
-- Karen F. Norton