Metamorphosis: A Surgeon's Faith And The Oath
Paused momentarily in our garden to ponder a monarch butterfly, I began thinking about the word metamorphosis. Now at seventy years, it seemed my whole life had been a metamorphosis. It means change in form. The more I thought about it, the more I realized the wonderful design and the grandeur of which leaves one speechless. That butterfly was created by the Great Designer, our God. Can you see the metamorphosis in your own life? My occupation just didn't happen by chance. My faith in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior was providential ordained, not chance. The greatest metamorphosis in our lives will come at its end, and if one is not a believer in Christ, the mystery will play itself out in eternity. It is my prayer and purpose to labor in the fields ripe for harvest and take you with me when I cross that Jordan River. No one else may be praying for you but having been where you are, we will together journey the metamorphosis of God's world. "Ye must be born again" (John 3:3)!
-- Jack Weitzel