God loves us and desires to have a close, personal relationship with each one of us, not just a select few.
Loved is an extended dialogue between an individual, someone like any one of us, and God. Through emails and texts, you get to hear what God has to say about topics that are relevant to all us, including healing our wounds, grace, forgiveness, trust, and being our true selves.
As you read this book and immerse yourself in the dialogue, you become part of the conversation and begin to understand the enormity of God's love. He is not far away or out there somewhere. He is right here, right now, and is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
We can communicate with the Lord just as readily and easily as we do with other loved ones and friends. We don't have to wait for an emergency to reach out to Him and He doesn't want to be just a distant observer. On the contrary, God loves to hear from us anytime and wants to be included in all aspects of our lives.
Having an intimate relationship with the Lord is for everyone and we're all invited to experience the vastness of His love. It's not complicated or hard; all we need to do is say yes to His invitation. Every time we share ourselves with the Lord, we give Him a new opportunity to show us the depth and breadth of His love. The more open we are and the more we communicate with the Lord, the more we will feel His presence in our lives. It's that easy.
-- E. M. Porter