Living Life To Its Fullest
Have you ever wondered about the meaning of life? Do you believe you have a destiny to fulfill, but you aren't quite sure how to achieve it?
Well, what are you waiting for? With author Kris Copeland's comprehensive guidebook to life, you'll never have to wonder again! Kris Copeland explains what life is really about by exploring Biblical truth that God has given us, then relating it through the fabric that this nation was built on. Working from that foundation; he then interestingly offers a modernized goal plan that's relevant to today's living. He truly offers a roots-to-leaves view of Living Life to its Fullest.
Kris Copeland's writing background comes from creating notes based on Biblical truth for his own use to articulate Biblical views at church services, retreats, seminars and particularly Bible discussion groups. He says God prompted him and enabled him to write this book, his first literary work, as if training him along new paths in transition to a new season in his life. His professional career is in the construction management industry after obtaining an engineering degree. Kris and his lovely wife, Gail, have been married for thirty-nine years having three daughters, Becky, Kathryn and Kelly, two sons-in-law, Jason and Derek, and two grandchildren, Luke and Lorelai.
Author, Kris Copeland, was recently featured on the Christian Faith Publishing's Author Roundtable radio and podcast show. Click play below to hear the entire show:
Radio Interview with author, Kris Copeland, begins at minute 4:24 below.
-- Kris Copeland