Legacy's Song
Jesse and Leon Thatcher grew up in a tiny shack on a small farm in the backwoods of Southern Indiana. Their Ma and Pa, Gordon and Martha Thatcher, worked hard on their small farm to make ends meet. They had very little to give to their boys, but they had a good life, filled with love for family, a lot of music, and a little bit of faith. From the front porch of that tiny shack, Gordon would play his fiddle, and the family legacy would be planted.
At age eighteen, Jesse set off for Colorado to chase after his dream of being a cowboy, of singing to the cattle and the stars, and to find his Indiana sweetheart. He became known as the cowboy with the golden voice.
After the death of Gordon, and later Martha, Leon decided to go to Colorado to be with his brother. So with his Pa’s fiddle in hand, he began a journey west, to become a cowboy at the Ogilvy Ranch, like Jesse. However, life, as it often does, took some unexpected detours for Jesse and Leon. The untamed nature of the West tended to do that. The year was 1875, a significant time in the history of the West—a history that is well documented.
On their path, both boys took the music their parents gave them and grew in skill, reputation, and character. Along their trail, Jesse and Leon found good people in this feral world that helped to guide them despite the obstacles they faced.
This story is about the journey of two brothers and how they grew into the legacy of music and faith given to them by their parents. It is Legacy’s Song.
-- Robert D. Adams