Kokroko, the Elephant
The path to the farm was very narrow, and we have to get up early in the morning to be able to come back before four in the afternoon to make way for the animals to roam about in the Bia Forest, which makes all villagers walk to their farms early to avoid being crowded with the system of the unofficial rules within the village. I walked in between my father and mother with my little steps. To make me comfortable, my dad decided to be humorous and jovial by pointing to the tall trees and asked that I take a look. "Wow!" I gasped. "It reaches God!"My father had a blast! He laughed so loud that you could hear his echoes through the morning dews. "God is far away, and there are clouds in between us and God, and even so, the airplanes pass or fly through that, and the trees can't surpass that."That evening, my father took me for a walk. He plugged four leaves and put one behind each ear for both of us and said that would distract the scents of the animals. We walked for almost half a mile, and then there they were--Kokroko and his group, taking a mud bath!
-- Comfort Asamoah