Knowing Jesus
This book deals with the prophetic word of God. It is a book of hope. It speaks of a soon-coming kingdom wherein righteousness, equity, justice, and peace will prevail. It also serves as a warning to those who desire to go their own way and abandon our Christian inheritance.Today, if we stop and look at what is trending in our government, we cannot help but admit that someday soon, it will very likely condemn the Bible as a form of hate speech and seek to control its use. This book is a reminder to all of us that God has predetermined how we shall live and who shall reign over the earth. For two thousand years, Christians everywhere have been praying, "Thy kingdom come, thy will be done," and now we stand at the threshold of this kingdom. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ will come quickly to establish his promised kingdom, and when he does, each of us better be found on the right side of history.
-- Kenneth Myers