KINGDOM FORMULA: 9-Step Principles of GOD Knowledge to help assist while seeking (GOD) and living righteous. Came about its discovery being Spiritually led by "HOLY SPIRIT" revealing this to me in June year 2022. (Amen) Where this was sawn and embedded, placed within my heart, I was going through some very heavy and dark times while enduring my wilderness season. I was at this point and time single and going through many trials and tribulations in this season, as I was alone physically, but spiritually just me and "HOLY SPIRIT". Within this period of time, I discovered myself, and who I was and is predestined to be. (Amen) It honestly wasn't easy the process, but I am so thankful and grateful for the experience, the success that led to me being now so very blessed. It's because of him, JEHOVAH, JESUS, this is even possible the vision the discovery, in the midst of my wilderness process that helped me and taught me how to seek him and to connect to him Spiritually and physically. (Amen) Therefore by him showing me and guiding me Spiritually the way he did I began to create what he laid dormant in my heart to share now with the world to better help others gain clarity, be set free Spiritually while understanding his word, and how to seek him righteously. While attaining his knowledge which he commands us to do daily. (Amen) If you are someone who is growing weary, always gets so easily flustered in not knowing how to properly seek or understand the Kingdom of God being the Righteous way, then look no further your help has come to assist you in your journey GOD BLESS!-- Nancy Reed