In Search of the Truth
Does it seem like the 2016 US presidential election ushered in a reality where truth is merely a subjective reflection of its originator? But as the effects of the days following January 20, 2017 ripple across nations, might the truth be that we are experiencing the reality of a divine plan? Would you believe that the current day was predicted long ago and that your journey is not by chance?
One evident truth is that those who are expected to protect democracy are often at odds with one another. The media, politicians, and world leaders present different norms for living, leaving nations in a wake of confusion and devastation. Have you been asking yourself how you will ever know the truth?
It is history that traces the footsteps of those who have gone before allowing us to follow the breadcrumbs of truth left behind. Sadly, the trails show how the world has fallen prey to those who profess to know the truth and the way. Yet in spite of leaders who have attempted to blot out the light of the world, a beacon of truth has remained steadfast and weathered the test of time. And it is a consistent truth that all nations whose beliefs have been built on a rock-solid foundation withstand those who threaten the existence of humankind.
In Search of the Truth highlights how the shadows of the past are influencing our lives today. The book shines a light on the 2017 political and social dilemmas while sharing a unique perspective on how our journey is not by chance. The final chapter will remind you of past prophecies and the hope we have been given for the future. There will be revelations about the trials that have taken us closer to a simple solution that we can all be part of.
If you have been searching for answers to America's conflicts, tragedies, and natural disasters; In Search of the Truth may share the hope you need during the trials and tribulations we will face in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead.
-- Ann Davis