In Her Threads
How do refugees cope? Almost all have seen a loved one die because of war. One saw a loved one burned to death. One set of parents are missing a daughter that was stolen in the night. The more I know them and the more they communicate, the more I hear of the terrible horrors they endured. Many are still hoping to find that lost daughter or son. So many of my students have health issues because of abuse. I am seeing the aftermath of war before my eyes, the damage done.
They have often told me they pray, pray, and pray. I have seen them pray for hours. This is their comfort and their strength. They know firsthand of not being able to control what happens in their life during war time so they are quick to place their life into the hands of a loving God. They never blame God and are quick to thank him for answered prayers. They know evil is evil and God is good all the time. They never doubt it. They have been in hell, and they are sure of Heaven. It's as simple as that.
-- Deni Kidd