I Can Tap Into Greatness
This book is inspired by God for all of God's children. If you are like me or know someone who has felt nervous, sad, and angry or felt like you were going to explode or have even lost control at times, then you should know that God has placed in you everything needed to overcome these feelings.I have learned and I am still learning that in every situation and in every part of my life, I can and will tap into the greatness that God has placed in me, which is also in each of His children, His light--the Holy Spirit!Jesus speaks in John 14:17 and 26 (International Children's Bible translation (ICB)),The Helper is the Spirit of truth... He lives with you and he will be in you.But the Helper will teach you everything. He will cause you to remember all the things I told you. This Helper is the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name.1
-- Jackie Clyburn