I Am Who YOU Say I Am: A Believer's Identity in Christ

The book is about how transformational the Lord Jesus Christ can be in your life, if you choose to believe His Words. The God that tore down the walls of Jericho is the same God who is waiting for His people to believe Him today. And yet, we relegate Him to an occasional Sunday morning and wonder why our church has no real impact. The youth of today are tired of hearing about power and glory and not seeing them. It is not too late for today's believer. Each of us has an individual calling to be the church, to believe the Word of God and to walk in the Spirit of God with power. Let the 'days' of this book lead you into a fresh, more powerful walk with God. In the pages of this book, you will see ultimately about yourself in Him. I am who YOU say I am.

--Betsy James

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