Howl and Listen
He watches in disbelief, live on television, as the new administration celebrates the signing of the Affordable Care Act. It becomes the tipping point that triggered a veteran insurance broker to take a walk outside, stand alone in his front yard, and consider his losses; the fall of his massive insurance agency, the income he depended on to support his family decimated, and his marriage in irreconcilable chaos.He decides to take matters into his own hands. Looking up to the heavens, he shouted to God that he no longer needed Him to fight his battles for him anymore, since He obviously wasn't winning any of them lately. He demanded that the Lord step aside and allow him to confront the one he felt was ultimately to blame, thinking that an encounter with the Father of Evil himself would at least give him the satisfaction of a one-on-one to settle the score. Thanks to the Lord allowing each of us "Free Will", unfortunately for this man, he gets what he asks for.For those people that have ever wondered just how powerful the words are that you speak, this true story brutally answers the question.
-- Darrell Bacon