How To Find Your True Identity
This book was written for anyone who is struggling with or even just trying to discover what their true identity is. Do you feel that you used to know but life traumas and circumstances buried it? Have you ever wondered what your true purpose in life is? I too have struggled to know this, and through prayer and faith, God helped me to rediscover it. He revealed to me what my true value was. It is my hope and prayer that this book will help you along that path. I believe that as you read this book it will begin to give you some keys to help unlock some of the closed doors that you may have had in your mind and heart that has kept you from knowing your true identity. There is no sin too bad that God will not forgive you for and there is nothing that you can do to make Him stop loving you. You are a treasure to Him, and He has put a treasure on the inside of you. May you be brave and go forward to discover it.
-- Darla S. Clark