How to Become an Effective Leader in God's Church
One of the greatest desires of the church community in today's society is to have leadership that adds value to the personal growth of its membership while effectively supporting God's plan for building his kingdom. Church leadership whether a pastor, preacher, deacon, teacher, or hopeful prospects of these positions need desperately to know who they are, whose they are, what is their role, and how to effectively carry out their responsibilities as a leader in God's church. The Holy Spirit has blessed me with the vision needed to fashion this book to be a guiding light for those who are and have a desire to become an effective leader in God's church. The purpose of this book is to assist church leaders in their journey to effectively carry out God's plan for themselves, and the people they are called to serve. I challenge you to read this book and apply it to your life style in the interest of being an effective leader in God's church.
-- Floyd L. Mathews, Sr.