Growing in Discipleship
The primary responsibility of the church, its raison d'etre, is to make disciples by sharing the "good news" of salvation and teaching believers to grow in maturity in Christ (Matt 28:16-20; 1 Cor 3:2-3; 14:20). What does it mean to grow in discipleship and maturity in Christ? What are the required ingredients for such growth and maturity to occur? Answers to both questions are provided in the book you're about to read. Growing in Discipleship is wide-ranging in scope, from biblical studies to systematic theology, focusing on a sample of fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. The book is written for both new and old believers who are seeking a deeper engagement with and understanding of the good news of salvation in Christ. Daniel Dapaah has broken down the complex theological concepts to present them in a concise and accessible format to readers who have no background in biblical studies. Beginning seminarians will also find this book useful. But true discipleship is more than an intellectual assent to the doctrines of the church. It is also a personal commitment to the life and teachings of Christ. It involves growing spiritually to reflect the image of Christ (Latin, Imago Dei). The book includes an "Individual or Group Exercise" guide at the end of each chapter, focusing on sample questions from the study, a "Personal Application" for reflection, and a "Commitment" to grow and mature in Christ through the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. This book is a useful resource for individual and group Bible study.
-- Rev. Daniel Dapaah, PhD