Godspeed and Guideposts for Your Journey
This book can be a resource during a "hinge point" or at the intersection of two or more paths in your life. It can be words of guidance between where/who you are and where/who you will be.
This book has taken a lifetime in creation. It began several years ago as a high school graduation gift of random thoughts and sayings for my oldest daughter, as she was preparing for a significant life change. Then over the course of two more daughter's graduations, it grew into a deeper and more holistic document. Through this progression, the Holy Spirit gained a greater foothold in my consciousness and guided my words. Inside are lessons learned, "guideposts," that are outcomes of wisdom gained from my past thirty plus years of experience in business, athletics, family life, and the unifying glue of faith and Scripture.
I have come to an understanding that thriving in life is kind of like sitting on a stool. A stool has a firm seat as a foundation, supported by legs. The pieces of the stool all work together and are required to make a stool complete as well as sturdy. Life is a sum total of many pieces all working together.
-- Bob Mahr