God Will Never Divorce You!
Legally speaking, a divorce is a "dissolution" of a marriage by a competent court or other competent body. I read one time a statistical data that said that men are eight times more prone than women to commit suicide after a divorce. That statistic was shocking to me!
That meant that out of every divorce that the author was handling, handled, or would handle, some of the man that the author represented would commit suicide. In an effort to evade the statistical data, this book was born.
This book explains the issues around divorce, the devastating effects on families, the root of the problem with divorces and the fallacies that accompany a divorce. Moreover, the author will talk about some issues presented to marriage, men in general and God's plan amidst these issues.
The author takes you, the reader, "through" his journey as a divorcee, a divorce attorney, and now a minister of God. Through it all, God has never divorced him, and the author can now convey to you that "God will never divorce you"!
-- Dr. E.R. Báez, MDiv, JD, Ph.D.