God Said No
How could something so terrible in my eyes, so breaking to my heart, and so devastating to my family be used for good?After many years of what felt like being wide awake in the middle of a nightmare, I came to grips with my broken heart. It's hard to comprehend the fact that something good could come from watching your child suffer, but I realized, this is all part of God's plan. Have you been there? Though my story is different than yours, if you apply what I have learned to your situation, I am confident you will find hope.Whether you are praying for a miracle, a healing, a breakthrough, or maybe you're just praying for normal, my hope is that if I can stand boldly and say I would do my life all over again and not change one single thing because of the beauty God has brought to it, then you will be able to as well.Just as God promised me in Romans 8:28, not one tear I have shed has been wasted because all my life I had been working on my testimony without even realizing it. What I saw as broken, God was displaying as beautiful.And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.--Romans 8:28 NLT
-- Michele Moran