Flickers of Light, Love, and Air
All of us have heard that God hears the smallest whispers of the heart. This author has always believed that we need to listen to those whispers. We may see or hear them in our dreams at night, or we may be nudged by a sudden inspirational moment in our waking hours. We need to listen to these messages, nourish them, and welcome them with gratitude. Whatever our background, whatever our educational level, whatever our work is about, we are one with each other on many levels. Hard times are good exercises that help us stretch and grow. Like most, this author has had her share of suffering and disappointment, which only serves to make one thirsty for the truth. When you read between the lines, you may find a bit of truth, or at least see a sign that says you are getting closer. And then the dazzling light becomes a joy and a candle to help light the way.
-- Twila Jessop