Divine Verses: Verses of Truth and Wisdom

Divine Verses is a verse-styled book written by Bishop Jephthah. It's a book that portrays truth and wisdom in the absolute, thorough, and best possible manner as it sheds light on all kinds of truth in existence, be it the pure truth or relative or absolute truth. But the absolute truth, which is the truth about God and his Son, who's the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is the pivot of the book. The Almighty God Jehovah and his Son are the principal focus of the truth because they're the absolute truth.

As the Lord and Savior of mankind, Christ badly longs that everyone gains salvation by virtue of accurate knowledge of him. That's why he passed on these life-saving messages to his messenger Bishop Jephthah as a means to win souls for his kingdom.\

Just as how God used his prophets, like Moses and King Solomon, to write his words in the past, he has also used Bishop Jephthah to pass on his message of truth and wisdom to mankind. So if you're reading this book, you're reading nothing but the pure words of the Lord and Savior Christ Jesus. The words of the Lord Jesus are the words of God because Christ and God are one in the sense of harmony. What God says is just the very same thing Christ will say, and what Christ says is also the exact thing God will say.

Accurate knowledge of God supersedes all other wisdom because only it can enable a person to gain salvation. That's why these words of the Lord place greater emphasis on godly knowledge.

--Bishop Jephthah Sotabinda

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